Monday, January 17, 2011

17/365 I Love Baby Quilts!

I love making baby quilts because they are so small I actually finish them.  This picture didn't turn out

very good, but I had to use it because by the time I realized the photo was bad the gift was wrapped!

This is a baby quilt for a friend of mine, Kim, from Pepperdine.  She just had her second daughter, If

they aren't careful they'll wind up like us!  We only see each other a couple times a year, but when we

get together we have a great time.  We are getting together for sushi tomorrow night, for Steph's

birthday, Heidi will be there too.  It's amazing how someone can be put into your life at random

(assigned college roommates) and years later the bond you have forged can still be so strong.  I'm blessed

with good friends, new and old!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love it! It's such an amazing quilt -- old yet modern looking all at the same time. Honestly, I should open a store and sell your things... I'd be a rich woman!

-Kim (from Pepperdine)