Tuesday, May 31, 2011

151/365 Half a Tie's Worth of Fun

Jeremy took us to Pinnacle Pete's Steakhouse tonight.  It was such a fun time the guys wore ties then at the

restaurant they make a big deal about them being "city slickers" and then they cut their tie in half.  The kids

got a huge kick out of it.  Joe took Lon and the kids when Jeremy was young and he remembered that it

was really fun.  I would definitely recommend it for a great family dinner, if you want to make a lasting

memory with your kids.

Monday, May 30, 2011

150/365 Dazed and Confused

With all the painting and work that is going on around the house Roland is pretty confused.  He just 

wanders around looking at everybody and hoping for a chance to make a break for it if the fence gets left 

open.  I bet he'll be glad when everything goes back to normal!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

149/365 Garden Gate...

Jeremy made this garden gate for me back when I was unaware of my "pantslayer" status.  And I though a

garden was an amazing idea.  And it is, for you.  Go dig a garden, weed it, water it, get a sunburn in it then

just when things are looking good to eat...watch all the critters make their way from your avocado trees to

devour your harvest!  Bitter much?  Instead do what I do, sit and admire your gorgeous garden gate that

your husband made specifically to your specifications because he loves you.  He even loves you enough

not to complain that you never use the garden he built you!  Love you Jer.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

148/365 Could this be any duller?

I know, I know, "Lisa I really don't care what your screens look like."  Well I said a picture a day and at

the time I snapped a practice shot then with all the rig-a-maroll with having guests I for got to pick up my

camera again.  So you get to see my freshly power washed screens drying in my front yard.  I promise this

blog will be picking up when I get a little extra time...sorry, if you wasted your time reading my daily


...but see the clean...

Friday, May 27, 2011

147/365 Mini Olympics!!!

I just love Mini Olympics at school.  I get to see and chat with so many parents and root on so many kids

and their teams.  This year was no exception.  Grandma Lon and Paca Joe came to join the festivities.

All the girls were on different teams so we did run around a lot.  But a super fun day.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

146/365 Yearbook Day!!!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  This is one of my favorite days.  The yearbook is finally released

to all the kids and I love pulling up to school and seeing them all flipping through it, and getting it signed

by their friends.  I feel like all the work I put into it is worth it.  Plus I love that lots of other Mom's stop me

and let me know that they liked it.  It always make me feel like all my work was noticed and appreciated.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

145/365 Favorite tiny man!

I just love this happy little boy isn't he just gorgeous!  Plus he's happy all the time how can you argue with

that?  Never grow up Maverick.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

144/365 A Pretty Package...

I have been helping a friend of mine with a few projects. Like she really needs help with much. She is an 

incredibly talented and accomplished photographer, and an all around amazing person. But the best part is 

she can keep me laughing for hours about almost nothing.  Anyways she let me design some packaging for 

her prints when she mails them. Didn't they turn out beautiful!

Monday, May 23, 2011

143/365 Get your green on...

The eaves are paint the caulking is done it's time to get green! Dad is doing such a great job painting the 

house, he also helped with the color choices (hardest part for us). I think I'll wait to post any more house 

pictures until it's all finished. That way it will be so much more exciting...at least for me and after all isn't 

that the only thing that matters!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

142/365 It's starting to come together

Joe and Lon have been here for a few days now and it is starting to look a little different. Dad 

has started painting under the eaves and Jer has been working on tons of prep work. He has 

to hurry, Joe's been retired for a couple years, but when it comes to painting, he's still got it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

141/365 Smell the Roses

I'm not in love with this picture, I'm not even in like with it, but it's what I had to work with today. But 

something I do love about it is the rose bush. These roses are tiny, seriously small. This rose bush came 

from a mistake my Mom's gardener made. He put in the totally wrong roses then they ripped them out and 

tossed them. We grabbed a few out of the trash then forgot about them next to the house for over a year. 

How this thing lived, I have no idea but here it is with it's tiny roses and thorns. "just try to kill me, 


Friday, May 20, 2011

140/365 This house is for the birds

We got this bird house at the Dutch festival several years ago. In fact a friend of ours even made it. It needs 

some repair and a little paint but it stands as a beacon of cuteness in our yard! Plus every year a new bird 

family moves in.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

139/365 Card Nights

When Grandma Lon and Paca Joe are in town every night is card night!  There is always a game of

slapjack or war going on with the kids, and when they go to bed we get serious with other games.  So far

the guys have been really killing Lon and I.  I want to get some payback, already!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

138/365 Somewhere over the Rainbow

They have arrived!  All the cleaning was worth it, my house looks great...well maybe just pretty 

good...but that's great for me!  Joe and Lon (Jer's parents) arrived around noon. We were so excited to 

see them.  I can't even remember the last time we saw them!  I will have my card playing skills honed be 

the end of the week!  Watch out Brouwers and Browns we are comming for you!  While we were 

playing cards with Joe & Lon this tonight I looked out the window and saw a beautiful rainbow.  It was 

right over the top of my neighbors house.  I should have gone over and swiped some gold.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

137/365 Remember Those Wilted Daisies?

On Saturday I posted about my Gerber daisies that wilt so quickly.  I mentioned that I put them in little bud

vases after their stems start to bend.  So here they are on my window sill!  I think they are eaven easier to

appreciate than when they are mixed in with lots of flowers.  Isn't that tiny bird so cute too!

Monday, May 16, 2011

136/365 Feeling Blue?

I was feeling like a blue cocktail tonight so I whipped up a blue martini.  I used Ketel One, Chambord, club

soda, and one drop of blue food coloring.  Tasted a little like gasoline, but isn't it a beautiful color?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

135/365 Calico House

We have been trying out paint colors on the back of our house.  It looks so funny.  Every time I step out the

back door I get to look at it and every time I think maybe we should use all these colors.  We would surely

have the most colorful house in Escondido!  I think we have decided on the green that's around half of the

window with white trim.  I wanted a blue originally but it clashed with the brown roof.  And the yellows I

picked out all were too bright...Pray for some dry weather so they can get it all finished next week!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

134/365 Gerber Daisies

These flowers are my favorite, they are so interesting and pop with color.  I just wish they would last

longer.  Their weak stems droop so quickly.  But when they do put them in little bud vases for a few more

days of color!

Friday, May 13, 2011

133/365 Twins!

The girls were having a rare get along day this morning, so they decided to dress alike!  They look so cute

together.  I love how Sadie's socks don't even come close to matching.  When she came home this

afternoon both knees were covered in grass stains, when asked what happened she just shrugged and said

"I just had a regular old great day Mom."  What do you say to that?  Nothing I guess.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

132/365 My Beautiful Flowers

Here is one of my beautiful Mother's day bouquet's.  Jeremy took the girls out to get me several bundles of 

flowers.  He always helps them pick out my favorites! Thanks sweetie!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

131/365 Come See The Wild Animals!

Today I went with Sadie's class to the Zoo.  We had a great time and I got to practice taking tons of hard

photos, through glass, through fences and netting...etc.  These were some of my favorites.  You would

thing that I would have gotten more of the kids,  but they kept running off!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

130/365 Sadie in a uniquely helpful mood!

Today Sadie lowered the "Photo Forcefield"  She was more than happy to let me take a couple pictures of

her smiling laughing and goofing off.  She's a tough cookie this one, but she brings so much joy to our


Monday, May 9, 2011

129/365 Heidi's Reflections Quilt

I finished Heidi's quilt late last night.  I even had enough time to wash and dry it before school this morning

so I could give it to her today!  I thinks quilts look their best when they are all soft and wrinkly.  Heidi has

had a tough couple of months I hope this quilt cheers her up a bit and reminds her that their are so many

people who love and care about her!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

128/365 Mother's Day!

Today was Mother's Day.  After church we went out to the Bridges for brunch and had a wonderful time.

The girls gave me painted dodad's they made for me at a local ceramics store they are so cute.  It was also

Sophia's 11th birthday, she seemed to love the quilt I made for her and is looking forward to her birthday

party.  I spent the rest of my day working on Heidi's quilt, which I should have done by tomorrow!  Great

day with my girls.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

127/365 Sophia's Lawn Chair Quilt

I finished Sophia's birthday quilt today!  I love the way it turned out, so bright!  I hope she loves it as

much as I do.  Sylvia, a quilt finisher, did the quilt stitching for me.  She does such a wonderful job.

Friday, May 6, 2011

126/355 This one has been taking me forever!

I am almost done with a quilt that I have been working on forever!  It was originally a gift for a friend back

in November!  But now it's getting to a point of "Lisa just finish this thing already!"  So I am in the last

stages and have over half quilted, but I need to get it done soon before I decide to burn it!  I have so many

projects that I want to work on but I won't let myself until I tie up some of these loose ends on other

projects.  I want to start a new quilt that I have had the fabric and pattern for a awhile, but I won't let myself

until I get two more quilts finished and this is one.  So hopefully I will get some time this weekend to finish


Thursday, May 5, 2011

125/365 Kelly & Alyana

These girls have both made my blog before.  Aren't they too cute.  Alayna saw I had my camera and

asked if I would take a picture of her with her friend Kelly, then ran upstairs to bring down a picture

frame from her room.  She let me know that she was tired of the frame not having a "real" picture in it

and that she needed one right away.  I'll see what I can do Alayna!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

124/365 Medium Owl

This is my owl cookie jar.  I have a thing for owls, but they can't be too pretty, or too ugly just medium 

owls.  I know that doesn't make any sense but that's just the way it is.  This owl is almost too cute to make 

the cut off but he does because he hold cookies!  (PS Claire from Modern Family also has Mr. Medium on 

her countertop, I noticed that last week.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

129/365 My Maddy

As I sit typing my oldest daughter is in her room doing her homework and singing to her music.  Her

voice is almost as beautiful as her spirit!  She is such an amazing girl and I thank God for her every day.

She is truly one of the greatest blessings in my life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

121/365 Momma Bird

A bird family has moved into the bird house in my garden.  I love to hear the little peeps of the babies

begging for food.