OK so I popped a bottle of champagne tonight to celebrate...champagne? I can't really say I just was so
glad the temperature might drop below 80 at some point this evening, that I decided to stop at Bevmo to see
if there was any sort of liquor I can add to champagne, that I haven't tried yet. Champagne & Chambord
cocktails is one of my favorite drinks. So I decided I needed to branch out, so I found some Chateau
Pomari and some St. Germain, and can I just say ... Vive la France! They invented champagne and these
other two jewels that I am enjoying tonight. Chateau Pomari is a pomegranate liquor, that is pretty tasty,
not as sweet as the raspberry version (Chateau Monet). But the St. Germain is like nothing I've ever tasted,
it is made from Elder flower blossoms. I will be slowly working my way through the list of cocktails they
have on their website!
How very "Haw Haw Haaaaw!" -Amy
Or is that "Hoa Hoa Hooaa"? (I don't speak French -Amy
Wilson Creek Almond Champagne + Chocolate Liqueur = Awesome.
That is all.
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