Sunday, February 26, 2012
Rollin' With It
With Sophia being in her play all this week, and dress rehersals last week, we have had the hot rollers out everyday. She has to have her hair in perky curls for her roles. Sadie thought it looked fun so we rolled her hair before Cayson's birthday party. I think she has decided it looked more fun than it actually was! But as usual she was adorable (me sounding really braggy).
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Bird Girl
Sophia is in Seusical with a theater group in Escondido. She was cast as the role of Mr. Mayor, which has been awesome, but a bird girl quit the show. Since she fit in the costume, she got a crash course in being a bird girl! She was so excited, she loved the feather tails and the make-up was amazing! She did an excellent job at both roles. I am so excited that Sophia has finally found something she is so excited about. I see her doing theater for a long time. She really does love it. Now if I can just get her this excited about homework!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentines Day
We'll start with the Sadie monster... First of all she wanted to give me a knuckle sandwich just for taking this picture, as you can tell. She was set on wearing red and pink, this was the outfit she came up with and I being the stellar mother that I am, let her wear it. Ahhh Sadie what can I even add!
Madison showing off her heart for the heart game. I love the capsters and little pom pom dudes she put on there. She will miss playing this game next year in High School. I'm sure there's plenty of new fun comming, I just never want her to grow up. She is such a sweetheart!
Of course, Sophia got flowers from a boy...Daniel Baker, I think. All her girlfriends got them from boys too. Even though they said it was really dumb, it made them all feel so special. And isn't that really what it's all about?
And what about my Valentines Day? Even I got to have a little fun!
Friday, February 10, 2012
One Hundreds Day!

For 100 day at school Sadie got to dress like she thinks someone who is 100 would dress. I'm not sure if she nailed it or not, but I think the glasses and face expression are priceless! She is a rockin' old lady. Don't you just feel like she wants to beat you (just a little) with her cane?
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Madison has so many pairs of these! They were all lined up on the counter. I thought it would make a fun picture. She wears them everyday, but usually she wears two different colors. She is a one of a kind girl! My cup is overflowing.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Naomi Morrill was born just three days ago I am so excited that Karyn is going to let me take some pictures. It was really fun and I learned a ton about editing skin. She is a funny baby, but absolutely perfect! Congratulations Mike and Karyn!
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