Vanessa and I went to a craft fair in Long Beach called Patchwork. It was a pretty good craft fair, but personally I love the Queen Bee Market and I am looking forward to the next time we get to go to that!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Dave & Busters
Kristen and I took Maddy and Ellie to celebrate their general awesomeness! Dave and Busters seemed a great place we laughed a lot and everybody played tons of games. Why is it that the prize store seems to take the longest?
Friday, May 25, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Another Day in Riverside
This campground is like a huge park, there is mini golf lots of places to ride bikes a pond and a water area. It really made for a busy but fun weekend. The kids had a blast the entire time. My favorite part was riding around on the bikes. I have decided I definitely need one. The girls keep getting mad that I keep stealing theirs!
Friday, May 18, 2012
We found a cool campground in Riverside, and by we I mean Vanessa and Kristin found it. Anyways we went with the Brouwers the Elders and the Browns. We had a really great time as you will see from all the pictures (Some of these were taken by Vanessa, none by Kristin who needs to remember to bring her camera more places). Luckily we had a tree in our site because Sadie was a climbing machine. I bet she would have slept in that tree if we had let her.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Legoland with the 2nd Grade
Today I was a chaperone for the second grade Legoland trip. We had a great time. Serena I and three girls made it easy and relaxing. Easiest field trip ever! Plus the company was great.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Crazy Day … And Night
Ok so admittedly not the best angle on Maddy for Crazy Day, but not every picture can be uber flattering, so get over it. It was Crazy Day today at the Junior High and believe it or not Madison was the only one to dress up. What are the pictures at the bottom of the post you may ask? That was how she and her friends dressed for going to the mall. I kid you not. They pranced around the mall for several hours looking like crazies. Then came home and trick or treated. I know, even I can hardly believe I let them do it! The best part was people actually gave them stuff. They were given cans of soup, potatoes, pennies and of course someone had some candy. Ahh I have the best neighbors…and the strangest kids! By the way Sophia found those Rainbow Cupcake's on pinterest, they were super easy I recommend trying them!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Dinner at BJ's
Dinner at BJ's, for Sophia's birthday turned out to be a bigger affair than planned! I mentioned to Kristin we were going to BJ's and she said they were already going with the Elders. So we crashed their party. Madison wore Blake's stormtrooper helmet the entire night (I'm not sure how she ate). Side note: I have noticed Troy has been improving his photo bombing skills, I think he might need his own little post at some time. Hummmm, something to consider.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Rollin' with the Browns
Kristin dropped in for a visit, which usually consists of us chatting for a few minutes then me using her for her amazing brain and talents to fix settings I don't understand in Photoshop. Then we enjoy libations, then back to the computer. Pictures, pinterest, Facebook or something. It might not sound fun to you but to me it's and enjoyable and kick back night. Tonight while we were computing the kids took the golf cart out for a drive. We had to take a few shots *disclaimer Kristin took both these pictures, but I "messed" with them a bit. And they are on my camera so I'm posting them! They were really posers tonight. It made for some hilarious pictures. These were our two favorites.

Friday, May 4, 2012
Sadie's 8th Birthday
Birthday party success! All the work put into the party was worth it. Sadie loved the candy buffet and all the girls got all jacked up on sugar. After all isn't that what they really want? Happy Birthday Sadie. Keep your sweet self sweet!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Sadie's Sweet Shop Sleepover
Man can you find amazing things on pinterest or what? I got inspiration from all over the internet, and I think everything looks great. I am so excited for Sadie's party tomorrow.
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