Saturday, April 30, 2011

120/365 Birthday Time!

Sadie turned seven today and Dylan turned two.  We had a fun evening celebrating.  Dylan was really

excited about the Barney DVD the girls gave her.  Sadie loved everything!  My mom made an attempt at

some cake pops, which looked very interesting...but she put together a great evening as always.

Friday, April 29, 2011

119/365 I can't believe I finished it in time!!!

I started this ABC quilt on Wednesday and finished it on Friday.  It turned out so cute, I just love it I'm so

glad it's going to my Niece Dylan, so I can see it again.  It came in a kit I purchased along with that

adorable tin case.  It even fit inside so I can use it to wrap up the quilt for her birthday!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

118/365 Pillow Fight!

Sophia and Sadie were wrestling on my bed and hitting each other with pillows while I was getting ready

to go out tonight.  Sophia was nice enough to hold Sadie down so I could get a decent picture with out the

blur.  Thanks Bear!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

117/365 Spring is in the Air

Flowers are blooming everywhere!  It is absolutely gorgeous outside, stuff is popping up where it hasn't

even been planted.  I love roses, they can be completely neglected the entire year an still look and smell

wonderful come spring time.  I wish I could say the same about myself!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

116/365 Finished Quilt!

I started four of these quilts in November as Christmas gifts for my girls...surprise surprise, I never finished

them.  Well I finished Sadie's today.  Just in time for her birthday on Saturday.  I hope she likes it!  It

looked best folded in half for the picture but it is a twin size, so she can wrap up in it and get all cozy.  I

actually have another quilt to do this week too, my niece's birthday is also on Saturday.  Hurry hurry!

Monday, April 25, 2011

115/365 Mai Tai Monday

Our photography class/study has it's last meeting tonight.  We met a the Old California Mining Company in

San Marcos.  We ate appetizers and enjoyed some time laughing and chatting.  It was a fun class and I

learned a lot about photography composition, and also met several nice ladies.  We definatelly ended the

class with a bang!   This group shot is not a good example of what I learned (Sue's hand is blurry and

Kristin's legs are on fire) but it's an excellent example of the fun we had!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

114/365 He Has Risen

Easter Sunday!  We had a great time today hiding eggs, finding eggs, well most of them were found.

We are super hard egg hiders and the girls have to look really hard to find them.  They did great, but at

the end of the day we were still one egg short.  Sadie got a kite in her basket this morning, and she got to

fly it with grandpa, that was fun to watch.  She was very serious about it.  When the breeze would start

to slow a bit and the kite would start sinking she would yell at grandpa "Mayday Mayday, he's coming

down Captain!" That's when she would expect him to save the kite from falling into the pool.  Sophia

and Maddy both got airsoft guns and shot everything in the back yard.  Even Sadie (accidentally) was

shot, she freaked out but mady an astonishing recovery when she found her basket of candy and self

medicated.   I tried to get a nice family photo but rex kept jumping in and Sadie kept making a weird

squished face, but I love it anyways!  Fun day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

113/365 Egg Decorating at Grandma's

The girls always dye easter eggs with Grandma at her house.  They has tons of fun, as usual.  Maddy drew

little faces on two of the eggs and named them Jerry and Jerina.  I have no idea where that came from, but

she thought it was hilarious.  For some reason our eggs have been really washed out looking the past

couple years.  I need to do some research on the best ways to get them to be really bright.  And the pink

never works.  Oh well maybe next year.

Friday, April 22, 2011

112/365 Another Friday

We are getting close to summer and the girls are finding it hard to concentrate on school.  They are so glad

it's finally Friday and will have some fun with their friends this weekend!  Here they are waiting for Missy

to come pick them up for school!  Less than two months until vacation!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

111/365 Old Friends

Maddy and Jackie have been friends since they were about two, she lives down the street from us.  Over

the past couple years they have grown apart a little, not for any real reasons.  Just different friends, different

interests and sometimes that's just how things are.  Since Jackie is on Spring Break, she invited Maddy over

for dinner tonight.  I'm sure they are catching up and having a great time, just like "old friends."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

110/365 Faith in Human Kind Restored

OK so that's maybe a tad of an overstatement, however I really believe that most people are nice, kind and

helpful if you just approach them right and give them a chance.  This is a basic belief of mine that I got to

test out today.  So here it is, we are going to get our house painted next month (You're Awesome Paca

Joe!).  Jeremy and I can't even get in the ballpark of agreement on a color.  Of course it is an issue we have

when any color comes up, I'm too bright and he's too drab.  So I decided to drive around the fine city of

Escondido and pick out house colors I like.  Jeremy says "Just because you like a house color, doesn't

mean you can find it.  It's not like you can walk up knock on the door and say 'I love your house color,

what is it?'"  So I'm thinking challenge accepted.  So this morning I set out on my project of finding a

house color.  I knocked on 6 doors, only one person wasn't home.  One lady said go for it and let me use

my color wheel up against her house.  Two people helped me choose what they thought the paint color

was on the color wheel.  I was invited in for coffee at two homes while the husband went digging through

the garage for paint cans!  People are nice.  Here is what our house looks like now...I'll post it again once

it's painted.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

109/365 Celebration!

Today Elissa and I went to Kristen's house, we had tea and cheesecake (yummy!) to celebrate Kristen's

birthday.  Since I got a new lens I just had to drag my camera along.  I got this shot of Bo, their lab.  Bo is

one of the few men in my life that is always excited to see me.  I swear he smiles, and runs up to me all

waggy and excited.  I always leave their house covered in hair, but what a small price to pay for knowing

that somebody loves you...even if it's just a dog!

Monday, April 18, 2011

108/365 Class Time

We only have one week left of our Bible Study/Photography.  I've learned lots and had tons of fun in the

process.  I want a new camera and lens...of course.  But I think I'll have to wait a while for both.  We met

early this week and took a kid to shoot at.  Here are some of the photos I took, that I liked for one reason or


Sunday, April 17, 2011

107/365 Sunday Daze

I love Sunday's!  We usually don't have too much going on.  I got to catch up on a little picking up on the

house and the girls snuggled up on in the playroom together and watched a move.  They looked like little

angels.  I begged Sadie to pose for me because she had the best hair today!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

106/365 Big Day

The spring luncheon was today it was so much fun!  The theme was 50's, which is one of my favorites.  I

got to make the centerpieces, and they turned out pretty cute.  I love making that sort of stuff.  Sophia was

in the fashion show and of course was adorable.  Afterwards we went to the Carlson's for BBQ.  Mark was

grill master extraordinaire wearing swim goggles to keep the smoke from his eyes.  Everyone was

exhausted by the end of everything, but we had another amazing day!

Friday, April 15, 2011

105/365 A Night Out With Friends

I went out tonight with some friends that, other than Kristin, I've never been out with.  We laughed and

laughed.  It wasn't the night I had expected, but we had an amazing time.  I hope we'll do it again soon!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

104/365 My Favorite Corner

My little desk is one of my favorite corners of the world.  My Grandmother gave me the desk a few months

before she passed away.  Just a touch of nostalgia mixed with color and some of my favorite nick knacks.  I

bought this blue lamp today at the Big Red Barn, doesn't it just belong there!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

103/365 Dream On...Gone

My Dream On -N-  Change quilt is gone, I dropped it off at school this morning.  I love the way it turned

out.  I always cringe a little as I'm putting them in the washing machine.  I always worry that a seam will

pop or that the stitching will all just magically disappear, but they look so soft and wrinkly when they come

out of the dryer!  I just love that part.  I hope it gets enough bids that I am not tempted to buy it back.  I

have 13 quilts I have to either finish or haven't even started on.  I want them all done before we go to

Montana in June.  Fat chance!  But I'm shooting for it anyways.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

102/365 Nap Time!

I helped get baskets put together for the Spring Luncheon, and came home exhausted!  So I took a nap, can

I just interject here that naps are almost the best thing in the world!  I woke up and groggily thought about

my picture, I saw Sadie on the recliner and said "Mommy will give you a dollar if you pause Sponge Bob

for a minute, go get my camera, and let me take a picture of you sitting right there so I don't have to move."

Best dollar I ever spent!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

101/365 Lights, Camera...Action!

We had an assignment for our class to show some action shots with blurry movement.  It was really hard

to get because it was a bright day.  I got two that I thought looked cool.  I definately want to go back and

explore this idea more and do some other projects with this.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

100/365 Wow My Hundredth Day!

I can't believe I made it to 100.  I didn't even realize it until I typed it!  So I didn't even take a picture or

anything.  Not too many people read my blog or I'd do a give away or something.  Anyways, pretty lazy

Sunday today at our house, the girls played with the neighbor girls and I quilted.  Sadie came back from

a visit to the American Girl Place in LA with my Mom.  This is her with her new doll!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

99/365 Still Quilting!

My Dream On -N- Change quilt is coming along.  The last of my materials arrived yesterday, and I should

have it done by Monday or Tuesday!  Plenty of time for the Spring Luncheon.  Here are some of the

completed squares.

Friday, April 8, 2011

98/365 What Can I Say?

Sophia and her friends were making a movie today, I have no idea what the movie was about and with the

costumes that kept coming out of the toy room, I'm afraid to ask!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

97/365 April Showers Bring May Flowers

Our fruitless pear tree in the front yard had started to blossom, I love the way the falling petals look like

snow on the lawn.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

96/365 Matryoshka Dolls

One of my interesting oddities (one of many) is that I love nesting dolls.  It's probably something most little

girls like, but I never grew out of it.  I have one I purchased in Williamsburg when I was on my 8th grade

Washington DC trip.  I have several I purchased in Russia when I was 17.  I have a few I bought for my

girls as souvenirs from my trip to Prague.  I made curtains out of some fabric with little nesting dolls on

them.  And a few other items, including these awesome measuring cups!  I like their dainty little faces.

They just make me smile.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

95/365 You know you want it...New Quilt!

I started making a quilt today for the Spring Luncheon at School.  It is going to be super cute!  I really

enjoyed working on it by myself at home.  Kids, back at school YEAH!  Unfortunately, I only had MOST

of the materials I need to finish it,  so I had to order a couple pieces.  I'm almost done as far as I can get...I

hope the materials come soon.  I have another two days of work to complete on the quilt before it will be

finished.  Hopefully in time.  Come bid on it so that I can feel like all this work is worth it!  Here is just a

taste of what some of the fabrics will look like.  It's going to be a cute one!

Monday, April 4, 2011

94/365 Serenity Now!

As much as I had an amazing week of Spring Break I'm definitely ready for my break to break.  I do miss

the sleeping in though.  Today I had to catch up on about thirty loads of laundry and the house that couldn't

be walked in.  Luckily for me I had two movies to listen to while I cleaned and did laundry.  It was an

overall relaxing day of cleaning, by myself.  Did that make any sense?  Normally on Monday's I'm

frantically trying to get my assignment done for bible study but I couldn't eve remember what that was so I

"shined" it.  Still went to class though, but I saw this flower just before I ran out the door for class.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

93/365 Happy Birthday Nash!

We had such a great time today at Nash's carnival today.  The girls ran games for most of the day and got

to watch a movie after the party.  I love spending the day with the people I love the most.  What a great

way to bring our Spring Break to an end.  Happy 5th Birthday Nash!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

92/365 Baby Piggies

On Thursday nigh after we had gotten home from the beach I checked in on our guinea pig Hobo.  He had

been getting extremely fat, because I thought Sadie was over feeding him.  I realized he no longer looked

fat but pregnant!  Can Hobo be a girls name too?  We figured this out just in time for me to do a little

internet research on what to do, because a couple hours later babies started coming.  Unfortunately, I think

Hobo may have been a little young to have babies.  She had four, two were still born, one was very weak

and passed away after about a day.  The third seems to be doing pretty well.  He is moving around and

nursing alot.  Momma seems to be well to.  I think she likes not being alone anymore.  Where did these

babies come from you might ask?  We had a second guinea pig, Pumpkin, who passed away eight weeks

ago.  He was well loved and we miss him very much, so it would be a real blessing if the remaining baby

pig made it.  The girls love the baby so much and are kicking around names, but Jer won't let them name

him/her until we are pretty sure it will survive.

Friday, April 1, 2011

91/365 BBQ Time

The weather is still so amazing today that we enjoyed a BBQ with some swimming.  It was fun, I was a

little worried about the baby guinea pigs at home.  We had a great time and I finished up the day by

running off to the airport to pick up Madison from her DC trip with school.  It was another wonderful, fun
