Saturday, April 2, 2011

92/365 Baby Piggies

On Thursday nigh after we had gotten home from the beach I checked in on our guinea pig Hobo.  He had

been getting extremely fat, because I thought Sadie was over feeding him.  I realized he no longer looked

fat but pregnant!  Can Hobo be a girls name too?  We figured this out just in time for me to do a little

internet research on what to do, because a couple hours later babies started coming.  Unfortunately, I think

Hobo may have been a little young to have babies.  She had four, two were still born, one was very weak

and passed away after about a day.  The third seems to be doing pretty well.  He is moving around and

nursing alot.  Momma seems to be well to.  I think she likes not being alone anymore.  Where did these

babies come from you might ask?  We had a second guinea pig, Pumpkin, who passed away eight weeks

ago.  He was well loved and we miss him very much, so it would be a real blessing if the remaining baby

pig made it.  The girls love the baby so much and are kicking around names, but Jer won't let them name

him/her until we are pretty sure it will survive.

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