Monday, October 31, 2011

304/365 Happy Halloween

This year we had a cutie pie pirate, an army girl and Dorothy.  We now have so much candy we don't even

know what to do with it all.  There is no way they will be able to eat it all!  The girls ran from house to

house with all their friends making memories!  I'm sure they will look back on Halloween and remember

all their neighbor friends and the fun they had together, for years to come.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

303/365 First you chop the head off then you suck the guts out!

We had so much fun with our neighbor friends carving pumpkins.  I goy out my skull and crossbones ice

cube tray and vampire vodka too!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

301/365 My Husband the International Sex Symbol

We are going to a halloween party tonight!  Yea I love Halloween parties, but Jeremy does not.  He dreads

dressing up.  He  has some joke going on about Magnum PI with some of his friends.  So this time I think 

he enjoyed it a little, doesn't he look hilarious with all that hair?  I love it!  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

300/365 Sadie's Rude Pumpkin

Sadie walked over to the neighbors house to ask if they have any pumpkins.  She really wanted one of

theirs.  Not from Vons, not from the pumpkin patch, from our neighbors house.  One year they told the

girls they had extra pumpkins and gave them to us now Sadie just cruises over there and asks for a

pumpkin.  I can't help but think this is a little rude, however if they didn't have a pumpkin for her would

they tell her?  "Hey kid get your own pumpkin!"  She is pretty cute, and that may be hard to resist.  Next

year I will ask the neighbor if she minds before letting Sadie roll up on her for a drive by pumpkin grab!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

299/365 Used Book Fair

The girls and I collected a ton of books for the used book fair, and since Sadie turned them in she won a

$50 script (gift certificate).  But now we can't decide who gets it!  Sadie thinks that it should be all hers,

after all her name was the one on the sign.  Sophia thinks we should split it up and portion it amongst

ourselves.  Madison couldn't care less because she's a moody teenager.  I think we should go to the movies

or out for dinner as a family and have some fun.  Jer doesn't even know we have a gift certificate.  Any


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

298/365 Boots Baby!

Erica came along to run my errands with me today, which always turns normal tedious tasks into mini

adventures!  Had to go out today to look for items for various halloween costumes.  While shopping at

thrift stores I found these lovely boots.  Seven pairs of size 10 women's  uber-platform boots.  Aren't they

hysterical?  Maybe I should buy all seven, then start an amazon rockettes group or something?

Monday, October 24, 2011

297/365 Oh Gym...Why!

Why can't the gym have beautiful natural light pouring into it from all sides, with no shadows or glare?

Why must our children stand in front of the spaceship looking panels like they are getting ready for the

Millennium Falcon act in a Star Wars musical?  Arg...Since this is not hater everyday, I will adjust my

attitude.  I am thankful that Madison and Sophia love music and love to sing.  I love that our school has

such a wonderful music program.  And I love the fact that Jeremy didn't even give me a sideways glance

when I started knitting during the concert!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

296/365 Blue Haired Angel

I am still messing around with my lens baby.  I really like it but it is so hard for me to get the focus tack

sharp on it.  I usually don't.  I thought I'd mess with it a little today.  I took a picture of my blue haired angel

picture.  I just love this picture because the angel has peacock wings and her eyes remind me of my 3 girls.

 did post a picture of this picture (

But paintings don't move and that lens is hard to focus!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

295/365 Clean Toy Room!

Today we finished the cleaning and organizing of the toy room.  The girls got rid of tons of toys,  stuffed

animals, books for the book fair at school.  We got rid of enough stuff that we could re-organize the

furniture and fit the bean bag back in.  The girls are really excited about that.  I am just excited that less toys

usually means less mess.

Friday, October 21, 2011

294/365 Cross Country

Madison and Sophia have been training for the Calvin cross country meet since the beginning of the school

year.  I don't know why I let Sophia go out for cross country, probably because I would have to be there to

pick up Madison anyways.  But Madison has been begging me since sixth grade to run and I always said

no. Cross Country is boring, you're doing soccer.  Blah, Blah, Blah.  So now I feel a little bad because

apparently she is pretty good.  She placed third in the 8th grade race, beating out every other girl in her

school, and she did it with a smile on her face!  Way to go Madison I am so proud of you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

293/365 Halloween

It's almost Halloween and I love to decorate.  I got all my decorations out today.  I set up my entryway.  I

love the way it turned out this year.  I really like the creepy felt pumpkins I think they are adorable.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

292/365 Sadie at School

Today I had to take some photos at school and I got this one of Sadie while I was on the playground.

What is she doing you may ask.  Answer:  I have no idea!  Live it up Sadie.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

291/365 Irritation

Did you ever wonder what Sadie looks like when I am standing between her and Sponge Bob, with my

camera, during after school snacks?  Here it is!

Monday, October 17, 2011

290/365 New Basket

I went antique shopping with Kristin the other day and picked up this little jewel.  The chicken wire is so

cool.  And I love the lacy trim.   I'm not sure exactly where it is going to "live" in my house I just knew it

had to be here!  Kristin scored several great photo props, and we had a great time.  I love trying to figure

out who would buy some of that stuff, or even what some of it is.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

289/365 Carbs?...Pretty Please with a Cherry On Top!

Diet cheat day has rolled around again.  Tonight we made all sorts of buffalo wings and sauces, and 

finished off the evening with banana splits!  Yummy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

288/365 Bandits Attack!

It's about time the Barbie bandits have had their first win!  They had enough ties and finally pulled off a 

win, they had a double header and actually won both go bandits.  I have a feeling now that they have 

finally won they will be much tougher to beat.  Maddy's team also won today and I love this picture of 

her, she is WAY in to her kicking and look at those girls flinch in fear of the Mad Maddy skills!  I'm a bit 

goofy today, sorry.

Friday, October 14, 2011

287/365 Pimp My Freezer Day!

Today 8 other moms and I had a dinner exchange.  We each made 2 dinners for each other family.  So in 

the end we ended up with 18 meals. I can't wait to dig my teeth in to someone else's home cooking.  This  

should make soccer practice nights a whole lot easier!   I think I might go through them all before 

anybody else does!  I'm not going to even attempt to figure out Kristin's lovely pose…that girl crazy!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

286/365 Dig It?

I was at school today and lucky me I had a chance to take a few pictures of Sophia's archaeology class.  

they set up these grids with string and then they take take some sort of "treasure" and dig a hole and put 

it somewhere in their grid.  Then another student gets to come in and try to locate the treasure.  I have 

decided to go back to Junior High!  I think I could rock the digging class and the bible project!  I also 

seem to know how to spell most of the words.  I could get an allowance and somebody could cook and 

clean and drive me around while I play soccer and sing in musicals!  Lucky kids!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

285/365 Up hill both ways!

Sophia and Madison have saved up enough money and have each purchased themselves an ipod touch.  

They are so incredible.  Jeremy got each of the kids these cassette tape rubber cases.  I think they are so 

funny.  Jeremy tells the girls, when we were kids we has to listen to music on these things and not only did 

you have to turn them over to hear the second half of the album, we has to fast forward and rewind to get 

to the songs we wanted to listen to.  The girls just look at him like, "whatever, now stand there blah blah 

blahing me while I make some farting noises with my electric whoopie cushion app!"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

284/365 America The Beautiful

Today I took pictures at Sadie's class.  They are going to send cards to some Veteran's to than them for 

their service.  The kids were so cute and sweet, and pretty much did what I asked.  I can't wait to see how 

these cards turn out.  Especially if their anything as cute as their smiling faces were today!

Monday, October 10, 2011

283/365 Sadie's New Job

I don't know what her deal was today but when she came home from school she gave me a needle and

thread and asked me to tie a knot.  She then proceeded to mend a hole in her blankie.  Yes she still has a

blankie!  After that she told Sophia she would mend the huge holes in her "toe socks" for a dime.  I would

say that was a smokin' deal for Sophia, although I'm sure it wasn't the finest mending job money could buy.

I'm sure it was the finest ten cents might buy.  She has now decided she will be opening a sewing shop

when she is "old."  Is that like 20 or something?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

282/365 Happy Birthday Maverick

Maverick has turned one!  We had a great time celebrating with friends and family today.  I took hundreds

of pictures I had so much fun with all the cutie pies.  Especially Maverick!  I only had time to edit and post

a few, these were some of my favorites.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

281/365 Last Owly Day

Farewell to owl week!  I had mentioned I would make something. mostly because I have run out of

household owls to take pictures of.  I needed to make a little blanket for Maverick's 1st birthday, I put the

two projects together.  I love how it turned out.

Friday, October 7, 2011

280/365 Owl Frame

I couldn't pass this little beauty up when I saw it at Urban Outfitters.  I plan to paint it and hang it on one of

my photo walls.  I think it will look great painted white in my entry way.  Look at those eyebrows, they are

so tall!  This frame makes me want to whittle.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

279/365 Owly Planter

Look how weird his face is. I like this owls strange face and 70's look about him.  He looks to me like

something my mom would have had around the house when I was a kid.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

278/365 Whoooo's Getting the Check?

This is my everyday owl.  Kristin gave it to me for my birthday, I thing it is the most adorable wallet I've

ever owned.  I love the little beads.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

277/365 Day 3 of Owl Week

It's no shark week but owl week is in full swing!   Today is a little weak because there is already a picture

that has this little guy in it (owl's first appearance), but he is only one of many items in the picture and he

deserves his spotlight too!  So when I bought this little owl, he was listed in the catalog as "quail jar." Au

contraire mon frere!  I've seen plenty of quail (even shot at a few) and that, my friend is an owl!  Anyways

his little head pops off and I put little goodies inside.  Yummy!

Monday, October 3, 2011

276/365 Give a Hoot!

I have decided that I am going to have an all owl picture week!  With the cookies Vanessa made me

yesterday, she also gave me the cutest little round pineconey (that's a word right?) owl.  Isn't he just the s

sweetest.  I decided this week will have an owl theme because I said so and I like them!  And now I will

have to think of something new I can make to be the last owly picture of the week.  (It also appears as

though I will be making up owl related words all week)!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

275/365 Go Bolts!

We had a great time today at the Charger Game with friends!  Vanessa made me the cutest owl cookies

with little candy corn beaks.  Tim brought his redneck hat, Vanessa was so proud!  The Kristin's were

having a great time, while Jeremy and Ruben chatted.  Everyone took pictures, and the Chargers won!

You know who really won, Me, I got to eat!  Yea! First cheat day, I can't wait until next week.