Tuesday, October 4, 2011

277/365 Day 3 of Owl Week

It's no shark week but owl week is in full swing!   Today is a little weak because there is already a picture

that has this little guy in it (owl's first appearance), but he is only one of many items in the picture and he

deserves his spotlight too!  So when I bought this little owl, he was listed in the catalog as "quail jar." Au

contraire mon frere!  I've seen plenty of quail (even shot at a few) and that, my friend is an owl!  Anyways

his little head pops off and I put little goodies inside.  Yummy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, it's owl week AND also back to Celebrating the French? Okey Dokey...them thar is some good idears. (I am celebrating hickweek)