Thursday, October 27, 2011

300/365 Sadie's Rude Pumpkin

Sadie walked over to the neighbors house to ask if they have any pumpkins.  She really wanted one of

theirs.  Not from Vons, not from the pumpkin patch, from our neighbors house.  One year they told the

girls they had extra pumpkins and gave them to us now Sadie just cruises over there and asks for a

pumpkin.  I can't help but think this is a little rude, however if they didn't have a pumpkin for her would

they tell her?  "Hey kid get your own pumpkin!"  She is pretty cute, and that may be hard to resist.  Next

year I will ask the neighbor if she minds before letting Sadie roll up on her for a drive by pumpkin grab!

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