Thursday, June 30, 2011

181/365 The Lady and Her Maids...

Of course for the re-enactment Sophia was Mrs. Daily.  She is a bit bossy.  Anyways, Charolette, was her

personal maid.  They did a wonderful job, I was so proud.  Madison was some sort of upstairs maid or

housekeeper.  She was hilarious telling us how horrible her life was.  Like she was really a hated

housekeeper that was "mocked and ridiculed." They got to stay overnight after the tour and has an ice

cream social and campfire.  Keep in mind that flash photography was not allowed in the mansion and it

was super dark, that is why today's photo's look so grainy I had my ISO cranked!  Doesn't make for great

pictures but I still get something at least.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

180/365 Daily Mansion

Sophia and Madison have been going to history camp at the Daily Mansion in Hamilton all this week.  It

has been great they are learning a ton and not complaining because their best Montana friend, Charolette, is

at camp with them.  They learn all about the History of the Daily Mansion and the people who lived there.

Tomorrow they will be doing re-enactments of characters as we take a room to room tour of the Mansion.

I can't wait to see who they will be.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

179/365 Montana Zip Line Tours!

Dad and Jer put up a zipline today in the yard.  They have decided this one is fun , but that we need a super

long one that goes across the pond...I think they are crazy but everyone was having fun!  Even Grandma

got in on the action.

Monday, June 27, 2011

178/365 Daddy tries to eat dinner...

Poor Jer!  You'd think we never feed these kittens.  They decided that his dinner looked better than theirs.  

Bubbles (left) is such a total beggar every time I am in the kitchen she comes running in hoping to get some 

scraps.  She's so skinny too under all that fur.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

177/365 That's How I Roll!

I was totally cracking up today!  I needed my Mom's sewing machine over at our apartment, but my car

was back at the apartment.  Have quad will travel!  I'm glad the neighbors didn't see me (hopefully) I bet

I looked insane, driving down the road with a singer bungee corded to my ATV while drinking a


Saturday, June 25, 2011

176/365 Farmers Market & Ice Cream Parlor

Today I went with my parents and the girls to the Farmer's Market.  I was hoping to get a picture of the 

crazy dancing guy that is always there...but he wasn't there!  So I took a quick picture of the girls while 

they had their milkshakes.  We had another lovely day!

Friday, June 24, 2011

175/365 Peonies

My Mom grows the most beautiful peonies in her yard here in Montana.  How can I be her daughter when 

she can grow flowers this beautiful and I can actually kill cactus plants.  She has them all over the house.  


Thursday, June 23, 2011

174/365 Sophia

Sophia was HAPPY to join me tonight for some photos.  That's twice this week.  I'll be taking her

temperature after this post.  I got so many lovely pictures of her I just had to post a ton.  All these pictures

are in the front field of my parents house here in Montana.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

173/365 Could It Get Any Weirder Around Here?

So just when I realized my main transportation was a ATV and I have a gun rack on the front, which I use,

I decided my life  can't really get much stranger then this.  Apparently it can.  I rode around the corner and

spotted our lawn mower, with a turkey tied to it.  No kidding a live turkey, flapping away!  So I say "Mom,

why is there a turkey tied to the lawn mower?"  She of course replies in a totally normal voice "How

should I know?  Ask your father."  So after some very strange questions and some very broken English

answers here's what I got.  Our gardener chased him into the fence with the mower and trapped him then

grabbed him and proceeded to finish mowing the lawn with a turkey under his arm!  I wish I had a picture

of that.  He was very excited, and couldn't wait to show it to his wife.  I assume there will be an early

Thanksgiving at their house this week.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

172/365 Sadie Learns To Roll With It

Sadie learned to ride without training wheels today!  I know "isn't she seven?" you're probably saying to

yourself.  Yes she is.  We don't have a place to ride bikes where we live and I am too lazy to haul the bikes

down to the park in the car.  The girls are happy on their electric scooters, much easier on all the hills by

our house.  So they don't learn to ride bikes until they come here.  There is a huge circular driveway with

soft grass on both sides.  She's been begging Jeremy and I since we got here to teach her.  But she always

reminds us at the most inconvenient times.  Like when we're eating dinner at a restaurant.  So today when I

was busy doing something else Sophia came running up and yells "Maddy's teaching Sadie to ride a bike!"

It was so cute to see her big sister teaching her something so memorable as riding a bike.  What a sweet

heart that girl is.  And Sadie of course picked it up quickly and with a huge smile!

Monday, June 20, 2011

171/365 Poppies and Mountains

Sophia was willing to take some pictures in the front yard this afternoon, or should I say evening.  I took

these at 8 o'clock in the evening.  The sun is up forever here!  It's just weird it's impossible to go to be 

before 10 because there's still daylight outside.  I love the view of the mountains from the front yard, as 

well as the poppies!  I can't believe how much snow is still in the mountains.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

170/365 Three Little Kittens

The girls got a surprise today when Grandma and Grandpa let them each get a kitten!  The kittens will 

live here, in Montana, and take care of any mice and critters that may wander into the barn.  Three sisters 

for three sisters aren't they adorable.  

Sophia learned how sharp kitten claws are!

Sadie trying to get her kitten to pose for me.  Poor thing!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

169/365 Trail Ride

 Today we drove the atv's across the property and out to the river.  The water is really high right now

and we can't even get to most of the property on the quads.  I think tomorrow Jer and I may take a

soggy hike out there and see what we can find.  We had to cross some pretty deep water just to get out

as far as we did.  Usually the grass isn't quite this high either.  The weather is still like spring here, not

too hot but everything is still blooming and looking gorgeous!  And no mosquito's yet either.

Friday, June 17, 2011

168/365 Official Vacation Day One...

So today was our first day waking up here. We walked around the property and the girls played some

video games (They totally could have done that at home!)  We went down to the bike shop to pick up

some bikes, then came home to go on a bike ride.  Have you ever noticed that when you drive

somewhere in a car it seems so close?  I decided to ride my bike to the Super 1 (grocery store), I did

make it but holy cow I almost didn't make it back!  Apparently what I thought was like one or two miles

was five and a half...each way.  I think I will let my butt and girly parts have a break before I bite off a

ride that big again!  I will be sore tomorrow.  We had dinner at the Victor Steakhouse tonight, which is

always a treat.  A very nice start to our vacation!  Here are the girls smiling because I promised them

soda with their dinner tonight!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

167/365 Montana Bound

Today we finished the rest of the drive arriving a little after noon.  Again the kids were great in the car 

and we had some fun.  We even drove through the snow,  I think it actually snowed on the car!  Today 

we saw A gigantic Budweiser sign, a crop duster that flew right over the car, gorgeous snow covered 

mountains capped by clouds, Madison toturing her sleeping sister, and two bearded ladies!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

166/365 Road Trip

Today we tackled the long leg of the road trip to Montana.  We left at 4 am this morning and pulled into

Idaho Falls about 6:30 pm.  Long drive for one day with three kids.  They were great though, we didn't

have to make any extra stops for potty breaks or anything! We stopped for gas three times and that was it.

No complaining either.  Nice enough day, pictures today are of what we saw, sunrise, cool helicopter

taking a pipe of some sort over a mountain, snow, and three adorable girls!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

165/365 Work Time

The kids needed to help out this year if I was going to be ready for Montana in time for us to leave.  One of

the jobs on my list that I thought I would not quite get to was to wash the Mini.  Well they weren't too

happy about it but the finished it today.  Sadie has such great little fingers for rim cleaning!

Monday, June 13, 2011

164/365 See You Soon!

Ellie and Tessa are taking off for their vacation and we will not see them until they meet up with us in

Montana.  So they both came over for a quick visit before dinner and frantic packing!  I'm not too sure

what this whole attitude thing they have rolling here but I thought it was funny!  They will miss each other

so much!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

163/365 Goodbye Sweet Rebel

I hate good-bye's, but this one deserves a photo.  Tomorrow I will be selling my Canon XSi to my hair

stylist Joelle.  I am sure it will be a good home.  I hope she takes the time to learn how to use it.  This

camera was such a wonderful learning experience for me, I hope it is for her as well.  Thanks XSi for all

the memories, you are much easier for me to use than my 7d and I will miss you!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

162/365 Whooo has the cutest mug?

Me that's whooo!  I love owls, and this one is so cute.  It was a very thoughtful birthday gift, and I just love it!

Tonight is the last of my birthday plans, although it was a super busy week, I was touched that so many

people thought of me this week.  I received some lovely gifts as well as some nice bottles of vodka, ahh

you all know me so well!  Thanks to all my friends for an amazing birthday week!

Friday, June 10, 2011

161/365 New House Paint!

I am finally posting a picture of our new house colors..sorry for the wait Amy.  But Jer and I both love the

final color.  The door we are not too sure about, but we are going to live with it for now.  This is the third

time we've changed the door color!  So here it is our green the heck out of brown.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

160/365 School's Out!

Wahoo end of the school year.  My girls had pretty good school years this year no major problems, and not

too many tears!  So success all around.  They are so excited to have summer start and the fun begin.  I

didn't decide to take this picture until too late the sun was pretty much gone so I pumped up my ISO with

this new camera I have capabilities that I never had before!  It didn't turn out great, I should have taken it an

hour or so sooner but we had fun anyways!  Summertime!  I don't know who's more excited them or me!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

159/365 Spa Day

Went to the Spa today!  Yea!  Jer got me a spa package for my birthday and I was lucky enough to

have a couple ladies come with me that had spa gifts from their husbands as well.  We had a great day

at the Rancho Bernardo Inn I got a massage and scrub then we sat out by the pool and had lunch and

coctails.  We laughed and had a wonderful time.  Thank you for coming along ladies!