Wednesday, June 22, 2011

173/365 Could It Get Any Weirder Around Here?

So just when I realized my main transportation was a ATV and I have a gun rack on the front, which I use,

I decided my life  can't really get much stranger then this.  Apparently it can.  I rode around the corner and

spotted our lawn mower, with a turkey tied to it.  No kidding a live turkey, flapping away!  So I say "Mom,

why is there a turkey tied to the lawn mower?"  She of course replies in a totally normal voice "How

should I know?  Ask your father."  So after some very strange questions and some very broken English

answers here's what I got.  Our gardener chased him into the fence with the mower and trapped him then

grabbed him and proceeded to finish mowing the lawn with a turkey under his arm!  I wish I had a picture

of that.  He was very excited, and couldn't wait to show it to his wife.  I assume there will be an early

Thanksgiving at their house this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! gb