Thursday, November 24, 2011

328/365 Shop Til' You Drop

So instead of the pictures I didn't take of the dinner that took me all day to cook.  You will get to see

what I did after dinner...That's right Black Friday.  Do we call it Black Friday, because we are out

shopping in the black of night?  Now this post qualifies for today because all but the last photo was taken

before midnight.  We had a laughing experience when we attempted to "quick run into Walmart."  The

crowds and barricades set us straight.  But the mall was just our speed.  We waited until the mall doors

opened at midnight.  Then we ran (yes ran) to Abercrombie Kids.  Thanks to Sophia's young legs we

were first in line when they opened.  We hit a couple more stores after that then decided around two to

call it a night.  I think Kristin hit Walmart on the way home, but Sophia and I turned in.  Thanks Vanessa

and Kristin for a fun filled night!

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