Friday, January 21, 2011

21/365 When matching your own clothes goes wrong

I am constantly reminding Sadie that certain clothes are for school, some are only for home (sweat pants

with a huge hole in the knee) and some outfits match...and some don't.  What do you do when an outfit

technically matches but it's just a little too much?  I guess you take a picture and take them to school

anyways.  Sadie decided to wear an army green shirt, cammo pants, army green shoes and socks, and a

cammo hat.  It matches, I guess, but it just looks so...I'mma gonna bag me a varmit!  I don't know.  But she

went with a smile.  Hats off to you Sadie!  (No, really. Miss M will at least make her take the hat off in


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