Tuesday, March 1, 2011

60/365 Crystal Cathedral

I was so proud that both my big girls were chosen to attend the regional fine arts festival at the Crystal

Cathedral.  Jeremy and I drove them up this morning and they went to all their events.  Madison had a

baritone solo and sang with the junior high choir.  Sophia sang with her ensemble group and acted in a

short play.  It was fun, and of course they did a great job.  The scoring is 1 superior, 2 great, 3 good.

Madison scored a 2 on her solo and a 2 with the choir.  Sophia scored a 2 with her ensemble and a 1

with her drama group.  She also scored a 1 on a poem that she entered in the creative writing portion

(which is my favorite part!)  I didn't even know she had any writing entered until tonight when I saw

some of the scores posted online.  I can't wait until she wakes up to tell her.

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