Monday, February 28, 2011

59/365 Amazing Day...Dumb Picture

So somebody must have prayed for me or something, because after getting several outrageous quotes for

data recovery.  I decided to go through the drive again to see what was on there that I didn't need recovered

and it started up, with all the files intact!  Amazing, I wonder if that car drive underneath all the school back

packs wacked it back into shape probably not, but who cares!  I have my stuff back and a second chance

for those back ups! Yea.  I ran directly to the store and purchased my new "toys" then came home and got

to work.  It took until bed time but everything is now backed up and should automatically back up at least

daily!  Great day, since I was so busy freaking out I didn't get time for a good picture.  So here's what I

took, it's not pretty but it's a beautiful site to me.

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