Tuesday, February 1, 2011

32/365 Get Up, When You're Feeling Down

I am so sick today, I have a fever and I have been driving Madison all over town to doctors 

appointments and tests, when all I want to do is climb under 5 blankets and fall asleep while watching 

last night's episode of the bachelor.  So just before I lost enough light, I saw my flowers by the window 

and thought if somebody could just bring me my camera, I could get up long enough to take that picture.  

Sophia was happy to help.  After I got the picture, Fia put away my camera and then checked on us 

every half hour or so to make sure we didn't need anything.  She is such a sweetie.  She will make a 

great mom someday.  From now on, I am going to try to avoid getting sick, unless she will be available 

to take care of me.

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