Tuesday, February 8, 2011

39/365 I Love a Good Kid Brag...

OK so they are not the best pictures I've taken,  I'm not really good with my flash yet.  But I was so 

proud of my girls I had to share.  The Calvin Christian Fine Arts Festival was tonight.  My girls were so 

good!  Sophia sang in a group of six 6th graders, they sounded great!  She also did a duet on her sax 

with her friend who plays trumpet.  They were awesome!  I thought she would sound terrible from what 

I hear at home.  But they were great.  (Totally bragging about my kids here!)  Madison, played in an 

instrument ensemble, did a baritone solo, sang in an ensemble, and sang a solo.  She was also amazing.  I 

had never heard her sing before and I was so proud of her.  She was super nervous and quiet, but 

beautiful.  She sounded lovely in all her other events too!  Sadie even had a piece of art entered in the 

artwork portion.  So she get's a little shout out too!

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