Monday, February 14, 2011

45/365 Pink and Fluffy

Happy Valentines Day!  I didn't get a picture of what I wanted to today.  I wanted to take a picture of the

cute Valentines gifts that my wonderful husband put together for our three girls.  He put a tulip in a tiny

vase for each one, got them a heart shaped box of chocolate, and a tiny teddy bear.  Then he made a little

card for each one with their name on it.  It was so cute.  I love my wonderful and thoughtful husband, he

also bought me gorgeous tulips and lilies as well.  I appreciate him so much.  The reason I didn't get the

picture, was because was uber busy!  I made some cupcakes for my class tonight and they were pretty

pink and fluffy!  I got a picture of them.

1 comment:

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

WOW! I'm so impressed with Jer--class act!!