Saturday, February 12, 2011

43/365 I Scream You Scream...

Grandma got the girls the coolest Popsicle maker for Valentines Day!  You can do the neatest stuff with 

it.  I'm sure we'll have many more popsicle pictures with it.  So far we have made a chocolate malt ball 

popsicle with Whoppers inside. And a lemonade bar, that I stuck a lemon in for cuteness!  Then of 

course I took a thousand pictures while they were eating them!  We had lots of fun, I can't wait to make 

the 50/50 bar tomorrow! By the way, Madison is wearing a helmet because they were riding their 

scooters all day, not because she's "special!"

1 comment:

The Tabernacle Gym said...

Yum!!!!!!!!!!! Those are too cute. -Kristin