Friday, July 1, 2011

182/365 Don't You Want Me Baby?

Hardly anybody knows this but I have been on a super strict diet since coming to Montana.  It is usually

not very hard for me to skip out on the deep fried Kool-Aid and Oreos.  Since all my friends are back at

home it's also an easy time to cut out cocktails.  But this is my only kryptonite...huckleberry apply pie.  It is

only the most amazing pie in the entire world.  Even worse my husband orders it every time we are at this

restaurant (which is at least one a week).  So I am constantly being taunted by it's deliciousness.

Fortunately Jer orders it with the Kentucky Bourbon ice cream, and not the vanilla (

favorite).  That is the only thing that keeps me from jumping over the table like a ravenous beast and eating

it directly off the plate!  So, now I shall taunt you with it's deliciousness!

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